Dorothy Gong Wild

Dorothy Gong Wild

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Dorothy Gong Wild

Dorothy Gong Wild

Calalunya. C. del Consell de Cent, 394, 08009 Barcelona. Mapa ikusi

Online salmenta itxita.

Informazio gehiago jasotzeko ekitaldiaren antolatzailearekin harremanetan jarri.

Antolatzailearen datuak "Antolatzailea" eremuan daude.


We're back in a new venue and bigger than ever!

Watch Barcelona's Best Comedians Battle Against Dorothy's Gong In The Hopes of Winning A Share Of Her Booty!

Comedians will be guaranteed 2 minutes on stage with which to win over the audience and the King Gong, after which they will be subject to The Gong should anyone be displeased with their performance.
**Cheap Drinks**
1 Euro Small Beers
2 Euro Big Beers
2 Euro Wine

10 Euro Entry - Limited to 40 Seats - Buy Tickets in Advance on Entradium

Discount for Groups of 4+
Featuring Comedy From:
James Regal
Michael Rice
Luke Messina Meginsky
Olga Camacho Sanchez
Irene Meneguzzi
Cameron Raw
Andy Casper
Marnie Manning
Hannah Becker

Hosted By John Allis

Kasu honetan antolatzaileak ez du zehaztu adingabekoen politikarik sarreran, zalantzarik izan ezkero zuzenean antolatzailearekin harremanetan jartzea gomendatzen dizugu.



John Allis

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